Saturday December 14
Doors open at 5pm program starts at 5:30
Supper at 6pm
Free to your guests and community members
Congregation please pay if you are able
Ages 13+ $15
Ages 9-13 $10
Ages 8 under -Free
You can etransfer the church or pay cash to Emily
Please RSVP with you and your guest numbers using the google form on our website or sent to your email by December 8th
We are also in need of desserts for the evening please sign up at the back of the church.
No nuts please. our church family and community for filling 72 Shoeboxes to bless children in Central America, African countries and Ukraine.
A total of 1605 went out from Camrose on Monday.
Join us for a bridal shower for Beka TODAY December 1st, at 2:30pm. It will be held at Peggi’s house. Text Peggi for directions and RSVP.
This Sunday Dec 1 from 10am - 4 pm at the Community Hall. Local crafters and vendors. Pictures with Santa. Kids’ shopping under $10. Free coffee and hot chocolate.
At the New Norway Hall on Sunday Dec 15 at 6 pm. See Jean for details.