There will be no mens Bible study on December 27th, or January 3rd.
Thanks to all who submitted names for the Search Committee. The elders are working on this and hope to have a potential committee identified in early January for the members to ratify. Please be in prayer as we move forward. the Christmas Banquet Committee for all of your hard work in planning the banquet.
It went well and those who were there were blessed by your service. May God bless you!
Begins at 7 PM. Join us as we celebrate the birth of our Saviour together.
January 5 will be Communion and we will also be having a sharing time.
Please see the following page for the most recent financial update.
Also, a reminder to congregation members to submit receipts for reimbursement from 2024 by Jan 15 (2025).
Moms and tots will resume in the new year!