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Congregational Meeting

The Congregational information meeting is on Thursday, July 4, 7:00 PM. The Elders will be presenting a paper they have been working on.

LSBC Needs - Continual

Living Springs Bible Camp still has some needs to be filled for the camp season.

Kitchen: Our church is responsible for filling the dates of June 29, July 9, 20, 26, and 31. We still need volunteers!

If you have any further questions, or you are willing to take on any of these roles, please contact Weston. Thank you in advance!

Please pray for our upcoming Senior high camps:

Senior High #1 - JUNE 28 - JULY 5

Senior High #2 - JULY 6-13

Please pray for both the campers, and their leaders, that they would see God working in lives, and for eyes to be opened to the Salvation that He brings.