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Ladies Monday Morning Bible Study

Our last Bible study until fall will be this coming Monday March 25. We will be studying the Six Miracles of Easter. Come and join us in Ferintosh at 1 pm.

Good Friday

There will be a Good Friday service at the church on Friday, March 29th. The service will start at 7:00pm.

Easter Sunrise Service and Breakfast

There will be an Easter Sunday sunrise service located at The Highland Park Church Cemetery, SW of New Norway. Directions (south of New Norway on hwy 21 for 6kms, west on hwy 611 for 3.2kms, and north on range road 214 for 800meters.)

There will also be a breakfast to follow the sunrise service at the church. Please bring eggs for boiling, and any Easter baking that you wish.

NO Soup Sunday on March 31st.

Soup Sunday has been cancelled for March 31st as it will be Easter that same weekend. The next soup Sunday will be on April 28th.

Young Adults and Young Families

Will be gathering at Kevin and Ivy's home at 4:00pm on Sunday, April 14th. Please bring a side or dessert to share:)

Kids Church Information Change!

Kids Church will run every First, Second, and Third Sunday unless otherwise posted. Kids will be dismissed right after worship. Grades 1-6 are welcome! Talk to Amy if you have any questions or are willing to help!

Volunteers Needed!

We are in need of more volunteers to help run the sound booth and slides for Sunday mornings. Training will be provided. Please contact Caeleigh before April 14th in you are interested.