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Prayer Meeting

The Wednesday afternoon prayer meeting will be resuming THIS week, September 25 @3pm.

Men’s Study

Men's Bible Study begins THIS week on Friday, September 27 @ 6 AM. We will resume our study of 1 John. Questions? Talk to Pastor Paul. All men are welcome.

Ladies Study

Ladies' Bible Study begins Monday, October 21 @ 1 PM. Join us each Monday at the Ferintosh Hi-U Community Centre. We will be using a video curriculum by Liz Curtis Higgs called "The Bad Girls of the Bible". Questions? Talk to Jean Enarson. All ladies are welcome.

APD Conference

Alberta Parkland District Conference will be held at Erskine EFC on October 25 & 26. If you would like to attend, talk to Pastor Paul. All are welcome but only registered delegates may vote.

Bible Studies/Weekly Schedules

Please let the church office know when your Bible studies, small groups, or any other weekly events will be starting up so that we can add them to future bulletins!

Church Membership

If you attended the membership meeting earlier this year, and are still interested in becoming a member, please talk to Kevin or Josh. We would like to move forward with this process!

Sermon Series

Next week we will begin a new sermon series titled “Christian Stewardship”